I am in the midst of doing Insanity right now. I did P90x last fall and loved it. Insanity seemed like the logical next step. Except for a short break to account for the craziness of SXSW last weekend, I’ve been working out six days a week for the past three weeks. The problem, though, […] Read more…
Posts Tagged ‘Food’
Hearty Polenta and Sausage
Over the past six months, I have really started getting into cooking and getting to know my kitchen. A few weeks ago, I discovered my boyfriend’s practically brand new, never-used Staub Dutch oven gathering dust in the recesses of a kitchen shelf, and I knew I had to break it in. I specifically thought that […] Read more…
A Post-Yoga Snack
I’ve started taking Bikram Yoga classes for the first time. The warmth of the room has been great for my muscles, and I always emerge from class exhausted, incredibly sweaty, and famished for some good wholesome food. For these post-yoga meals I gravitate toward fresh vegetables and slices of my favorite cheese, like Jarlsberg, for […] Read more…
Banana Bread, a Tasty Morning Snack
As a result of living the Food Matters lifestyle, I am often left with a few pieces of rapidly spoiling fruit I need to dispose of. I had been watching my bananas get brown at an alarming rate, and quite serendipitously I read a recent post by Mark Bittman about his delicious banana bread recipe. […] Read more…
The Food Matters Lifestyle
I have been reading Mark Bittman’s Food Matters book for the past month or so, and have already taken away a number of helpful tips on how to eat healthier, more fresh food without spending a lot of time on cooking and prep. I wanted to share a few of the ideas he recommends that […] Read more…

Heavenly Pizza Pie
Let me preface this post by saying I really don’t like pizza. I rarely eat it and I’m not one of those people who gets excited when there’s pizza at a party, or when your work orders it in as a treat for the staff. I almost detest it, actually. But this was before I […] Read more…
Girl Time at Magnolia Pub
Last week Kara and I went to Magnolia Pub for some girl time, a few tasty beers and good food. It’s always nice to have one-on-one time with girlfriends, and I thoroughly enjoyed the night out. We were both snapping away with our Nikon DSLR cameras and I caught quite a few pictures that I’m […] Read more…
Oatmeal with Celery: A Crunchy Breakfast Treat
Another winner from my favorite food columnist, Mark Bittman: oatmeal with chopped celery, flavored with a few splashes of soy sauce and sesame seed oil. I tried it for myself and it was delicious! See the results below. Read more…
Zite: Only the Good Stuff
It’s always been an incredibly difficult task to simplify my web life. Ideas, articles, blogs, tweets, and other information enter my mind at breakneck speed online, and it is hard to process all the information to get to what I really want: the cream of the crop, the really interesting articles that speak to my […] Read more…