Becoming a Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf by digitalART2 on Flickr

The more I work on simplifying and honing in on my key goals, the more I realize how little time I have and how precious a resource it is. With that in mind, I’ve decided I need to go into hiding for a little while. It’s time to be a lone wolf. I’m in a period of transition in my life, and in order to stay focused I need to cut out the clutter that is holding me back. My main goals right now are:
  • Maintain this blog and continue sharing my journey of self discovery
  • Train for my upcoming 10K and further establish my exercise routine
  • Frequent the farmer’s market and cook healthy, nourishing meals for work and home
  • Get more sleep and become an early riser
  • Start in earnest on a personal project that is extremely important to me (eventually I’ll share more but for now it’s a private matter)
In order to give these goals the attention they deserve, there are a lot of things I’m cutting out. I’ll definitely miss some more than others:
  • Cut down on one-on-one time with friends, fancy dinners and expensive happy hours. My friends are so important to me. I can’t stress that enough. But I’ve found in the past few months that socializing too often has taken its toll. Going out two or three nights a week to drop up to $60 on dinner and drinks wreaks havoc on my diet and stretches my wallet much thinner than I’d like. It’s time for a break. A good friend of mine in college used to write all of us off during finals week. It was her time to stay focused without letting anything get in her way. She always came out on the other side with straight As, and our friendship was none the worse for it. I hope my friends will be similarly understanding.
  • Eliminate Twitter save for a few choice tweets. I hardly use Facebook so that has never been a problem for me, but Twitter has become a huge distraction in my day-to-day life. I’m going to stop obsessively checking the stream and focus more on using it as a creative outlet to share ideas and thoughts. First step? Moving my Echofon app from the home page to the last section of my iPhone so it becomes less of a temptation.
  • Say goodbye to TV on the weekdays (except for LOST). I’ve tried this before but have already backslidden into old habits. Starting next week, I’ll be saving all TV viewing for the weekends. LOST is the exception since there are so few episodes left and the suspense is killing me! Doing this will add a good two- to three-hour chunk of time to my week for other worthwhile tasks.
What are the things you’ve temporarily eliminated to stay focused on your goals? I’d love to hear about them.

2 Comments on Becoming a Lone Wolf

  1. suki
    April 15, 2010 at 11:06 am (15 years ago)

    Instead of hanging out with friends outside of the home, I’ve been having people come over. It’s the best way to share recipes, catch up, and save $/time too… But we’ve done quite a bit of hosting lately, so I’ve gotta cut back on that too! 🙂

    my freedom filer arrived today!


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