Today is Terry’s birthday. I’m so happy and lucky to know him. Every day, he pushes me to be a better person and supports me in my quest to live a more remarkable life. In his honor, I’m going to tell the story of how we first met. Read more…
Posts Tagged ‘friends’

Heavenly Pizza Pie
Let me preface this post by saying I really don’t like pizza. I rarely eat it and I’m not one of those people who gets excited when there’s pizza at a party, or when your work orders it in as a treat for the staff. I almost detest it, actually. But this was before I […] Read more…
Becoming a Lone Wolf
The more I work on simplifying and honing in on my key goals, the more I realize how little time I have and how precious a resource it is. With that in mind, I’ve decided I need to go into hiding for a little while. It’s time to be a lone wolf. I’m in a […] Read more…
Girl Time at Magnolia Pub
Last week Kara and I went to Magnolia Pub for some girl time, a few tasty beers and good food. It’s always nice to have one-on-one time with girlfriends, and I thoroughly enjoyed the night out. We were both snapping away with our Nikon DSLR cameras and I caught quite a few pictures that I’m […] Read more…