Posts Tagged ‘exercise’


I am in the midst of doing Insanity right now. I did P90x last fall and loved it. Insanity seemed like the logical next step. Except for a short break to account for the craziness of SXSW last weekend, I’ve been working out six days a week for the past three weeks. The problem, though, […] Read more…

Becoming a Lone Wolf

The more I work on simplifying and honing in on my key goals, the more I realize how little time I have and how precious a resource it is. With that in mind, I’ve decided I need to go into hiding for a little while. It’s time to be a lone wolf. I’m in a […] Read more…

Getting My Yoga On

When I first graduated from college, I was a bit of a yoga fanatic. I religiously took a yoga class a few times a week at my local community college and found that it was an important part of my weekly routine. It really helped center and relax me during the week, especially when times […] Read more…

Exercising on the Road

This morning I’m getting on a plane for South by Southwest Interactive (SXSW), a geek festival of sorts in Austin, TX that takes place every spring. While I’m there, there’s a hugely important thing I need to make sure I do. I need to figure out what I’m doing for my workout routine. Read more…