A few weeks back I was covered in more than a half-dozen flea bites that itched like crazy. It made sleeping hell as I woke up multiple times throughout the night to itch my wounds, and only now are they gone. I am blaming the compost bin and me not cleaning the kitchen often enough. My gut reaction is to buy the disposable wipes. But is that very environmentally friendly? Also, what is the best and most efficient/simple way to clean the kitchen so you don’t get fleas or other parasites invading your life?
In my web research for answers to such important questions, I came across this article discussing the merits of vinegar and lemon juice when cleaning “green.” I don’t think I’m ready yet to take on such an extremist approach to cleaning, so I looked for something that would allow me to take baby steps without completely uprooting my already loosely established cleaning habits.
Thus I stumbled across The Fly Lady, a site by a woman named Marla that has created a wonderful resource and e-mail list for women that want to keep their house clean and presentable for company to visit. The Fly Lady completely believes in taking baby steps for cleaning, so I knew she was my kinda gal.
I’ve started out with the Swish & Wipe habit, which consists of wiping down all of the counter tops of your bathroom with Windex or another mild cleaner, and swishing out the toilet bowl. If you do this daily as she suggests, your bathroom will always be clean. It’s been almost a week since I started implementing this habit, and I am already a huge fan of her methods. The bathroom has never been cleaner, and I’ve come to even anticipate the quick cleaning sessions that leave the bathroom mirror and fixtures positively shining.
What are your minimalist cleaning habits that keep you sane without requiring hours of work? I’d love to hear them!
7 Comments on Fleas and Fly Ladies
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[…] my life lacked it. But over the past few years, that has started to change. I read the teachings of The Fly Lady, who advocates making routine checklists for before bed, in the morning, throughout the week […]
August 19, 2010 at 1:37 pm (15 years ago)I clean as I go when I cook so there isn't a pile of dishes and a trashed kitchen when the meal is over. I also am a huge tidier, I get it from my Mom who is the queen of tidy! 🙂 I just pick stuff up or wipe it off if I see that it needs to be done and do a little something to tidy up each room I use, as I use it.
Lindsey Whitney
November 10, 2011 at 7:42 am (13 years ago)I just started FLY lady too. How’s it going for you now? Is it easy to maintain the habits?
Marie Williams
November 14, 2011 at 11:38 am (13 years ago)It’s still going really well! I haven’t integrated everything in the book, but I have got the kitchen routine pretty much down pat. It’s so nice to have a clean kitchen that is easy to maintain. What area are you starting with?
diann robinson
January 23, 2012 at 7:46 am (13 years ago)i have a daycare with 5 children that range from 1 yr to 4 yrs in ages and have school age whe they are out of school. please help me get organinized!!!!
diann robinson
January 23, 2012 at 7:48 am (13 years ago)please send info on oranizing a daycare with diff ages.
Marie Williams
February 9, 2012 at 12:02 pm (13 years ago)Hi Diann,
Unfortunately I have no experience with organizing a daycare, though I’ve done a lot of babysitting! What I’ve heard from my super-organized mom friends is that boundaries and a solid routine is key. Children like to know what’s coming next and have a sense of what the schedule will be. Perhaps being firm on your daycare schedule will help.